There is a HUGE performance drop below 2 fps at certain sites when exiting supra light. . Explore the war-torn star systems of the Demilitarized Zone of Cluster. Noah Damaris Starport is a site in the Zharkov Supply Route region of the Union system in Everspace 2. Zharkov Border Control is a site in the Zharkov Border region of the Union system in Everspace 2. Obviously, in Union it's not going to be an issue, but is this something the devs have their eyes on?In part 4 of Everspace 2 Zharkov: The Vortex , Rev continues in the Vortex main quest and works out a few puzzles to progress further. "Zharkov Border Control" < > 44 Comments Mr_Mosse_69 Jan 18, 2022 @ 6:04am Union is the second system in Everspace 2. I've just visited Zharkov Border Control for the first time. And even then, having a checkpoint at a 90 degree angle. Ceto. . And even then, having a checkpoint at a 90 degree angle. 添加了血星系列套装加成. Everspace 2 is a massive game. Please see the complete list of changes. This category contains content related to locations in the Zharkov system in Everspace 2. was incredibly frustrating. . Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Experience a thoughtful sci-fi. I've just visited Zharkov Border Control for the first. Could just wait until some drop, check around in shops and buy one, or craft them yourself. Everspace 2 - Union - Zharkov Border - Zharkov Border Control All Collectibles, Secrets and Puzzles Welcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles video Deposits are not counted. 5 Stops Away: Material Encryptor: Superior: Throughout the galaxy there are countless devices used to scan a ship for contraband, but only one that can override them all. The rest is up to you but try to prioritize equipment with bonuses to Firepower, Precision and Expertise. Summer of 2021 will be even more exciting for the fans as it will bring the third system, called Zharkov. Devices like the Virus will work too. First Content Update Released, Smuggling, Music Overhaul, Changelog 0. (stay in place, in close formation. Secured Container Bulletproof Container. Tip: Use sticky turrets as waypoints if you keep getting disoriented. . Cybernetic Implants 285-303 425-437 122-142 x10 1220-1420. EVERSPACE 2 [v0. I think this has to be treated as a bug/problem because: -I've seen people writing on forums and other places how they would do lots of hunting for Bloodstar gear in HRAs and rifts without success, only to be surprised to learn that it doesn't drop there. Zharkov Border ControlCephas Downs is a site in the Archer's Nave region of the Union system in Everspace 2. It adds a new sector and a new ship, which is definitely in their wheelhouse. When you're getting close to the sun try turning-off your auto-pilot so you yourself can manually force the plane closer. Low. And trying to leave the system and getting an obstruction detected message when you can't see anything to correct your path. The system is going to let more on about the Ancients and their secretive nature as well as shady business by Grady & Brunt mining operation. In the lengthy post accompanying. Thi…Everspace 2 - Union Border Control Location Challenge Zharkov System. But it also adds drone-based Descent -like puzzle missions, turning the early access looter shooter into a stealthy space sneaker for a level or two. I don't like the "rigged asteroid" minigame. Zharkov Supply Route: Noah Damaris Starport. It added the Zharkov system, rebalanced several items/systems, and fixes multiple issues. They are acquired by combining stacks of three rare Mainframe Components, which are also classed as software-type items but take up ship/homebase inventory space prior to combination. Your job is to locate and repair five buoys. Rithrin Apr 23 @ 1:09am. EVERSPACE™ 2. After getting the mission, make your way over to the Zharkov Border Control site using your Jump Drive. Worst areas the bases of all factions in Drake, and Vesna colony in Zharkov, Also seems to depend on where i am on those areas, it isn't as strong everywhere. Freelancer Outpost is a site in the Ceto Supply Route region of the Union system in Everspace 2. All challenges completed except for Zarkhov explorer as there's only been one distress call in the system so far despite much traveling back and forth between planets in the area. You’re trying to repair five boats. Players will face one of the trickiest puzzle sections in the main story quest Picking Up The Pieces,. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Smuggler's Backdoor is a site in the Dust Rim region of the Zharkov system in Everspace 2. . After getting the mission, make your way over to the Zharkov Border Control site using your Jump Drive. #6. At level 25 + after you've completed Khala's quest for the spatial bypasses. But i did get the impression that Zharkov is under G&B control, and not open for general access. Fires a continuous beam that reaches targets instantly and deals moderate Kinetic and Energy damage. EVERSPACE™ 2 Fusion Hook. was incredibly frustrating. In this video, you can watch the gameplay of the Navia Orbit, a mysterious and dangerous region of the galaxy. The EverSpace 2 Early Access roadmap was revealed alongside early looks at the Vanguard and Bomber player ship subclasses, the upcoming star system Zharkov, as well as the Cave Crawler, the first. Per page: 15 30 50. . Zharkov Gas field secret stashes bug. We're doing three more side missions in the union system: Twin Stations, A Customs-made Error and Data Fishing. Noah Damaris Starport is a site in the Zharkov Supply Route region of the Union system in Everspace 2. Blacksad Apr 16 @ 12:32am. Per page: 15 30 50. EVERSPACE™ 2. This location consists of a closely clustered group of large asteroids with some Outlaw bases. And having to leave jump out and jump back in to reset a cargo drone when you are detected is also frustrating. The only one I think might give you trouble is Parasite or Gang Wars. Drake Passage is a site in the Ceto Supply Route region of the Union system in Everspace 2. Help! Can't find where the Batteries are supposed to go in Zharkov Border Control! Things get a bit trickier when it comes to accessing them. This location consists of a few large asteroids, mine and debris fields, and navigation buoys in a pink-tinted area of what appears to be a small and dense nebula. In the lengthy post accompanying. . In the HUD, when you swtich weapons, the weapons display range, which it does not do in the cockpit view of your weapon display, and its very. . 3. - Khait Nebula has High Demand for basics like Small Arms, Liquor, Small Arms, Ramen, Clothing and Medicine if you sell them via The Flying Duchess in Athor Orbit. #1. #3. was incredibly frustrating. Categories Categories: Union locations. Can't find where the Batteries are supposed to go in Zharkov Border Control! Everspace 2 - Zharkov – Dust Rim – Union Border Control – Inspect All Cargo DronesThis is an old video from early access not covering everything. The scanning beams on several of the cargo ships move in a pattern that is not possible to get a scan complete in time. Setting the game to easy will make sure that you can easily handle or ignore enemies. And trying to leave the system and getting an obstruction. So for now Aethon and Zharkov gates are closed. While flying around in Union, I did a pass through the Zharkov Border Control. I have both medium and large but no small ones. ) Jan 15, 2022 @ 2:45am 👍 PalmTrees Jan 14, 2022 @ 11:03pm renfield Jan 14. Categories Categories. In part 17 of Everspace 2, Rev starts the Eye quest line, and pilots a few drones. Please change this location challenge. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Rockfish Games has released the second major Early Access update to EverSpace 2. Ceto Commodity Buy Sell Profit Cargo Profit/Cargo Space. Currently, all other spacial bypasses created and mission progressed as normal, however the bypass in BRI Bioplant consumed the materials created the bypass but didn't progress the mission. Mainframe Expansions are superior software-type items, stored in the same inventory as mission items, that allow the player to upgrade their ship attributes. . EVERSPACE™ 2. The quest marker for Vaultworthy in Noah Damaris Starport doesn't seem to be working. System: UnionLocation: Zharkov Border Control Everspace 2 is a fast-paced, acti. . EVERSPACE™ 2 - Join the community on DiscordAbout the GameEVERSPACE 2 puts you in the pilot seat in this fast-paced single-player space shooter, where vicious encounters and brutal challenges stand between you and that next epic loot drop. Deetchy. In part 11 of Everspace 2 Rev runs a side mission called Vaultworthy, to get credits. Since the 9. As was the case in Everspace, the main story and cutscenes/cinematics are animated "comics". Level 20 pretty much all rk2 red gear used level 20 autocannon with 601 kenetic dps. Insidium. Check out the list down below to find out which of Everspace 2’s many minor sites have challenges that award Mainframe Components. . Objectives: Travel to all regions. < > Showing 1. Everspace 2 - Union - Zharkov Border - Zharkov Border Control All Collectibles, Secrets and Puzzles Welcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles video Deposits are not counted. . These new saves aren't far enough to unlock the map perk to see if this issue persists. See full list on everspace. All Primary Weapons in Everspace 2. But you can Speed up like crazy on races that have good straight lines. This location consists of a large vertical asteroid formation with an illegal jump gate built into it, inside a vertical asteroid field in a clearing in the dust clouds. Ingmar, our Technical Engineer, provided a two-page-long tech document of what has been done so far, basically saying: “we’re not done here!” I’m saving the details for an upcoming deep dive into game performance in EVERSPACE 2. The Vortex continues right after Smoke & Mirrors. Autonomous Cargo Dispatcher is a companion perk that you can unlock. If you need help completing the Everspace 2 mission, A Custom’s-Made Error, continue reading below for our walkthrough. And having to leave jump out and jump back in to reset a cargo drone when you are detected is also frustrating. 1. Nephtys Plains x 2. I've been all over the station multiple times and cannot find one if it is there. You can purchase Xbox Game Pass. Usually get 2K per call and it is quicker than anything else. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. This location consists of a very large asteroid with three large G&B mining structures drilled into it (now inhabited by Outlaws), with a few other smaller but still large asteroids nearby with some other structures. EverSpace 2, Abandoned Mine Challenge, How to Trigger ChargesIn this video I finally figure out how to destroy the rigged asteroid. I can make it through the detection grids easily, but if one of my drones decides to clip through, it will trigger the alarm, but there isn't really a way to avoid such a thing. This site is located in a dark and dense blue-green gas cloud. JAKOV Jan 30, 2021 @ 3:06am. Decided to pull up a frametime graph (along with some other graphs) and I'm noticing a consistent stutter that happens every x amount of seconds. Should the player destroy the blue crystals, a group of Redeemers will warp in to defend them. This category contains content related to locations in the Zharkov system in Everspace 2 . Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Make sure your Firepower stat isn't falling behind (which i admit isn't easy at level 9 when they first appear) Kill combat drones first, kill a few link drones second, EMP the remaining drones, Destabilize, unload Autocannon/Executioner/Repeater and Rockets. Not sure if there's one for large nanobots, though. Return fire if attacked) We will have a look at the drones triggering barriers. Devana Gas Orbit is a site in the The Vortex region of the Zharkov system in Everspace 2. Players will face one of the trickiest puzzle sections in the main story quest Picking Up The Pieces, which involves. It consists of the large Colonial warship CEV Nordborg wreck and its debris field, as well as some vertical asteroids nearby. The latest update for Everspace 2, titled Zharkov: The Vortex, adds a huge amount of new content, tweaks, and features to the game—which developer Rockfish has helpfully outlined in a huge Kick Location challenges in Everspace 2 are unique events or tasks in certain locations. Set the game to easy. EVERSPACE™ 2 > Suggestions > Topic Details. Later we will distribute them more evenly. Obviously, in Union it's not going to be an issue, but is this something the devs have their eyes on?1. 15 G – Keep the Fusion Hook tethered for 10 seconds during a single activation. (There also seems to be some z-fighting going on here. Zharkov Supply Route: Noah. Worst areas the bases of all factions in Drake, and Vesna colony in Zharkov, Also seems to depend on where i am on those areas, it isn't as strong everywhere. . . was incredibly frustrating. Yeah. Smuggler's Backdoor is a site in the Dust Rim region of the Zharkov system in Everspace 2. annoying. This location lies in the upper atmosphere of the gas giant Anath. If you meant the Change Mapmode using W S key, yes i'm aware of that. Ouglaf Aug 7, 2021 @ 11:02pm. Both are located inside the asteroid. The neighbouring points Abandond Transit Point and Zharkov Border Control have a Medium amount of them. Days Gone PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide ENLISTED PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings Guide EVERSPACE 2 – Game Won’t Start – Windows 7 64x EVERSPACE 2 – PC Crashing or Black Screen on Launch Issue – Fix EVERSPACE 2 – Fix: Controller Not Working on PC EVERSPACE™ 2 PC Gamepad Controls How to. Markets may have them as well. These environments not only look darn pretty; they also feature new damage types that players have to deal with on planets and in open space, too. Ceto Oribit x 2. Developer Rockfish Games has announced Everspace 2 1. The last drone is behind a vent that Adam says there is some switch to turn off the vent, but I have no idea. #6. was incredibly frustrating. Una advertencia justa, Zharkov es el área más peligrosa de EVERSPACE 2 hasta el momento, ya que está llena de tormentas eléctricas, cascos en ruinas y enemigos fuertes que buscan su. I was talking to the community manager on your facebook and I noted that it didn't make sense to place two in Union. 2 experimental i've been getting some kind of periodic pausing issue in areas with lots of details. There's a secret at the bottom of a third Gas Harvester. Official Subreddit for Everspace 1 and 2. . Keep an eye out for the drone's health. New video: • Everspace 2 - Zharkov - Dust. . Why is the second ring off to a 90 degree angle after the first? It's impossible to see after you first start the race, so you're going to have to restart at least once to get a proper time. Sites Abandoned Jumpgate Ancient Depot Ogni Mining Fields Outlaw Stronghold Perun IV Smugglers' Backdoor Union Border Control Resource Deposits Insidium - Medium. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. I pretty much explored everything in. Flying blind when trying to solve puzzles is really, really not fun. Just wrapped up another full playthrough of the game after the latest patch. And even then, having a checkpoint at a 90 degree angle. Abandoned Station is a site in the Archer's Nave region of the Union system in Everspace 2. As it stands it is frustating and frankly I am not sure if it is even possible to finish. 增加了“Union探索者”挑战以及探索者系列奖励——允许在超光速航行时快进. It consists of a large G&B operated mining pit with many smaller G&B structures on the surface of the moon around it. #1. Patch Notes - 0. Everspace 2 - Zharkov - Dust Rim - Smugglers' Backdoor All Collectibles, Secrets and PuzzlesWelcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles videoDeposits are not. Anyone know what happens if you just stand by and let him die? The ones attacking Tareen will turn hostile towards you and start attacking you even if you just stand by and wait, so I don't think there is much you can do. Setting the game to easy will make sure that you can easily. Flying blind when trying to solve puzzles is really, really not fun. Deetchy. ) Video for reference:Since the 9. and precious loot to find. New video: h. This location consists of small Outlaw bases inside and outside of asteroids in a large asteroid field filled with blue clouds. Outlaws. . Check out the list down below to find out which of Everspace 2’s many minor sites have challenges that award Mainframe Components. Having full control over gameplay at any given time and being able to design the environment by utilizing the amazing graphics power of Unreal Engine 4 to the fullest. Zharkov Boundary - Zharkov Border Control Zharkov Boundary - The Gauntlet. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Once completed, the icon over the location will. Clygon. After getting the mission, make your way over to the Zharkov Border Control site using your Jump Drive. And even then, having a checkpoint at a 90 degree angle. Drake Passage is a site in the Ceto Supply Route region of the Union system in Everspace 2. I got into the structure, there's a power socket behind a forcefield which probably will disable the big fan which blocks further access. System: UnionLocation: Zharkov Border Control Everspace 2 is a fast-paced, acti. You get a similar distress call while carrying those. - press down mark-key on an energy sphere dispenser -All other icons except energy sphere dispensers, and energy sphere sockets would be hidden. 卡伊特星云:KHAIT NEBULA. It shows off the new star system and snippets of what's to come, including the mystery of the Ancients, shady business by two familiar mining companies, new weapon types, and a new planet location to travel to in. Flying blind when trying to solve puzzles is really, really not fun. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. KaMuiReD Apr 13 @ 4:09am. As it stands it is frustating and frankly I am not sure if it is even possible to finish. Starting the game and. In front of the jumpgate itself, there are dozens of abandoned ships. In part 3 of EVERSPACE 2 | Zharkov: The Vortex, Rev takes the main story mission called the Vortex and gets to play with puzzles. #2. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. I had entered the cave area and defeated the first mine when, suddenly, crash for no reason. Everspace 2 - Ceto - Home Turf - Rhodia II (Homebase) All Collectibles, Secrets and PuzzlesWelcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles videoDeposits are not c. activate all the detonators. Autocannon. Asteroiden oder Station sprengen: es ist für mich zeitlich nicht schaffbar alle Sprengsätze innerhalb von jeweils 4 Sekunden zu aktivieren, dafür ist die Orientierung einfach zu schwierig. Hated it. Approachiing a wreck or a container, pressing F wjhen it appears. Rockfish Games' action-RPG sci-fi shooter Everspace 2 will see the launch of the Zharkov update later this year, and community ambassador Erik Schrader has given us an exclusive. 2 [Episode. This side quest will automatically complete without any move and I don't think I found the jump station except for the one at base. 3. Systems are in order of discovery through progression (I think). Insidium. I can make it through the detection grids easily, but if one of my drones decides to clip through, it will trigger the alarm, but there isn't really a way to avoid such a thing. Vesna Mining Colony is a site in the Eye of the Storm (region) region of the Zharkov system in Everspace 2. Mainframe. Everspace 2 - Zharkov - Dust Rim - Union Border Control All Collectibles, Secrets and PuzzlesWelcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles videoDeposits are not. I can make it through the detection grids easily, but if one of my drones decides to clip through, it will trigger the alarm, but there isn't really a way to avoid such a thing. . save tareen or let him die? In Zharkov system there is a part of the main story line where you can intervene to save Tareen. Station Wreck is a site in the Ceto Supply Route region of the Union system in Everspace 2. Playing as Adam, a former clone pilot, the player will. 2021 @ 2:36pm #11 < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . in. Now I want to complete the quest and it says I need a list, but the vault is closed and everything I've read says to go back to the same vault you opened but it won't open. The lengthy developer notes can be read on the corresponding Kickstarter update. Secured Container. New video: 2 > Bugs & Technical Issues > Topic Details. This is the case even if you have 2/3 Bloodstar set which makes it drop from regular outlaws. Why is the second ring off to a 90 degree angle after the first? It's impossible to see after you first start the race, so you're going to have to restart at least once to get a proper time. s I always seam to get caught by the scanning beams. Everspace 2 is a massive game, whether you’re completing the story and some side content or min-maxing to tackle Ancient Rifts. As it stands it is frustating and frankly I am not sure if it is even possible to finish. one of the three battery does not appear not sure which one it is, I've confirm where they spawn on YouTube videos, and I've tried going to other system and coming back with no luck. . #1. This location is located in a large gap in the atmosphere of the gas giant Devana, and consists of two large G&B gas harvesters plus the wreck of a third. The first thing to keep in mind when opening pathways to locked containers in Everspace 2 are batteries. I've just visited Zharkov Border Control for the first time. Anandra Bishop Starport is a site in the The Concession region of the Union system in Everspace 2. Pages in category "Zharkov locations (ES2)" The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total. Yes it's the one in Zharkov, I have been going on the assumption that this will be like the story mission in Ceto or some variation along that line. Follow the mission marker until you come across a Bulletproof Container hidden behind a blue forcefield. EVERSPACE™ 2 > Allgemeine Diskussionen > Themendetails. I can make it through the detection grids easily, but if one of my drones decides to clip through, it will trigger the alarm, but there isn't really a way to avoid such a thing. . Embark on an exciting sci-fi adventure set in the war-torn star systems of the Demilitarized Zone of Cluster 34, where each massive handcrafted area is. I've just visited Zharkov Border Control for the first time. 2 experimental i've been getting some kind of periodic pausing issue in areas with lots of details. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Zharkov Border: Abandoned Transit Point • The Gauntlet • Zharkov Border Control. And even then, having a checkpoint at a 90 degree angle. i think that the 5 sec timer is extremely difficult to destroy the rigged asteroid. Showing 1 - 8 of 8 comments. EVERSPACE™ 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Union Border Control Location Challenge bugged. Ceto. EVERSPACE 2 Achievements Sidetracked achievement EVERSPACE 2 Xbox Game Pass PC Game Pass 6,795 1,000 38 4. Go through the door and destroy the turrets. 26. Everspace 2 is getting a brand new star system in the next major update, which is headed your way in spring 2022. Ive finished all secret stashed but upper shipwreck isnt registered. This location consists of small Outlaw bases outside and inside of asteroids. Here is a checklist of all the side missions. ROCKFISH Games has released the second major Early Access update to their spacefaring looter shooter RPG, EVERSPACE 2— Zharkov: The Vortex opens up an all-new star system, a new spaceship class, companion, main and side missions, activities, challenges, and more than 120 improvements and fixes being added to the space action. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask anybody from the community or simply leave your comment in the wiki's discussion page or join the discord. The scanning beams on several of the cargo ships move in a pattern that is not possible to get a scan complete in time. 0 2023 Release version. Screenshot by Pro Game Guides. The challenges you complete in Everspace 2 can be viewed in the Data -> Challenges screen. While flying around in Union, I did a pass through the Zharkov Border Control. It is a small location with a functioning jumpgate guarded by tall Ancient structures with blue crystals. Everspace 2 - Union - Zharkov Border - The Gauntlet All Collectibles, Secrets and Puzzles Welcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles video Deposits are not. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Basically, it was suggested that players could remove all icons temporarily if they pressed down the mark key. Also has rather High Demand for Earth Wine too. After a few seconds the achievement/trophy will unlock. Is Zharkov way smaller? It has no missions at all, no rep, no ship merchants. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Low. It also has very high Grady & Brunt Prospects activity due to its location, acting as a trading hub for the corporation and the DMZ as a whole with three Jump Gates present leading to Ceto, Drake, and Zharkov. annoying. Holding F key to "Transfer all" doesn't work anymore. The fusion hook can be found in the Ancient Depot in the Zharkov system, the 3rd system. They teleport behind the shield and kill the turret. You will find a red light to your right. Was muss ich da tun. The doors leading to the. Set in a gas cloud system, Zharkov: The Vortex is packed full of new environments, locations, and star bases to discover. EVERSPACE 2 puts you in the pilot seat in this fast-paced single-player space shooter, where vicious encounters and brutal challenges stand between you and that next epic loot drop. Flying blind when trying to solve puzzles is really, really not fun. 2 experimental i've been getting some kind of periodic pausing issue in areas with lots of details. G&B (neutral) Okkar OutlawsRIPsanity Apr 5, 2022 @ 2:56am. EVERSPACE 2 — Drake: Gang Wars, Summer 2022. EVERSPACE™ 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. location challenge : search the cargo drones in zharkov Currently playing with a Vindicator (drone ship), it seems impossible to complete the location challenge of Union Border Control, as my drones triggers the detections of the lasers. Ceto Oribit x 2. It also has an objective for the Burned Bridges side mission. I've just visited Zharkov Border Control for the first time. And trying to leave the system and getting an obstruction detected message when you can't see anything to correct your path. EVERSPACE™ 2 > Bugs & Technical Issues > Topic Details. Return fire if attacked) We will have a look at the drones triggering. You can purchase it here. Added new main. Also it's Commissioner Hawke. Rips In Space- Side mission Issue. Commodities’ Demand. Everspace 2 - Zharkov - Dust Rim - Union Border Control All Collectibles, Secrets and PuzzlesWelcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles videoDeposits are not. Ambientado en un sistema de nubes de gas, Zharkov: The Vortex está repleto de nuevos entornos, ubicaciones y bases estelares por descubrir. Every second or so the game stops for a small while and then keeps going. Major performance issues and the Fog is just. Zharkov Border Control. Bdav. 对所有现有剧情增加了配音(包括Zharkov更新. T2舰船现已在舰船商处开放购买. Completionists will notice there are currently ten challenges to complete, and each grants rewards. Zharkov Border Control. Per page: 15 30 50. (stay in place, in close formation. Fire the Fusion Hook (no upgraded required) at a target (does not need to be a ship), then pull back on the left stick to reverse your direction. Missing Battery zharkov border control (union system) 5 Can grab holograms 1 Minor Intuitive item Exploit. . Everspace 2 - Zharkov - The Vortex - Gas Field All Collectibles, Secrets and PuzzlesWelcome to my Everspace 2 All Collectibles videoDeposits are not counted. I've double checked these locations with other save files, I know I have all the expansions. 2. Further to a chat with Erik on discord here is my bug report on my map issues. Why is the second ring off to a 90 degree angle after the first? It's impossible to see after you first start the race, so you're going to have to restart at least once to get a proper time. Zharkov Border Control. .